瑞典船务公司Stena RoRo旗下船队喜迎一艘新型滚装船
作者: 发布时间:2025年01月22日 浏览量:59 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2025-01-22
翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿
瑞典船务公司Stena RoRo从意大利Moby Lines航运公司旗下的意大利航海公司(CIN)处购买了一艘名为Giuseppe Lucchesi的滚装船,以扩充其船队规模。
据悉,这艘货轮将更名为“Stena Shipper ”,并悬挂丹麦国旗。
瑞典船务公司Stena RoRo执行董事Per Westling表示:”此次收购是我们公司长期以来船队扩张计划的一部分,以拓宽我们在航运市场的服务范围,提升我们的市场地位。Stena Shipper是建造于丹麦欧登塞造船厂的姊妹系列船舶中的最后一艘,不仅承载能力优秀,还具有低能耗、环保的特性。“
值得注意的是,和此次交易相关的信息表示,瑞典船务公司Stena RoRo正在接管突尼斯航运公司Cotunav有关提供雷达斯-马赛航线船舶服务的合同。
此外,2024年12月,瑞典船务公司Stena RoRo接收了由中国招商局金陵船舶(威海)有限公司建造的15艘E-Flexer系列高端客滚船(RoPax)中的第12艘船舶。
据瑞典船务公司Stena RoRo表示,该船舶将由多燃料发动机和12兆瓦时的”世界最大“混动封装电池提供动力。其配备有一台输出功率为8兆瓦的岸电连接装置,可为船舶提供高速充电服务,从而在港口停留时完全不需要化石燃料。
该船舶名为”Guillaume de Normandie“,预计将于2025年4月作为朴次茅斯-卡昂航线的服务船舶。
目前,瑞典船务公司Stena RoRo已在中国招商局金陵船舶有限公司下单了15艘E-Flexer型号的造船订单,还下单了两艘New Max滚装船。现在已有12艘船舶完成交付。
Stena RoRo welcomes new cargo ship to its fleet
Swedish shipping company Stena RoRo has expanded its fleet with the purchase of the roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) ship Giuseppe Lucchesi from Compagnia Italiana di Navigazione (CIN), a part of the Moby Lines group of companies.
As disclosed, the cargo ship will be renamed to the Stena Shipper and fly the Danish flag.
Built in 2012 at the Danish shipyard Odense Yard, it has a length of 193 meters and a capacity of 3,663 length meters, distributed on four decks. The ship can operate at speeds of up to 21 knots.
Per Westling, Managing Director, Stena RoRo, said: “This acquisition is part of our continuing expansion of our fleet, broadening our offering and strengthening our position in the market. The Stena Shipper is the last ship in a long series of sister ships built at the Danish Odense shipyard and has a large cargo capacity, which combined with a low fuel consumption, provides good environmental characteristics.”
To note, in connection with the transaction, Stena RoRo is taking over a contract with the Tunisian shipping company Cotunav for service on the Rades-Marseille route.
In other news, in December 2024, Stena RoRo took delivery of the twelfth E-Flexer in a series of 15 roll-on/roll-off passenger (RoPax) ferries from the Chinese shipyard CMI Jinling (Weihai).
According to Stena RoRo, the ship will be powered by multi-fuel engines as well as the “world’s largest” battery-hybrid package of 12 MWh. It is equipped with a shore connection with an output of 8 MW for high-speed charging of the batteries, which is said to enable a completely fossil-free stay when in port.
The Guillaume de Normandie is expected to enter service on the Portsmouth-Caen route in April 2025.
Stena RoRo currently has 15 confirmed orders at the CMI Jinling shipyard for E-Flexer vessels, as well as two orders for New Max RoRo vessels. Twelve vessels have now been delivered.